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The Meaning of “Wholistic” Care

No, it’s not a typo!  Dr. Cynequa Caldwell very purposefully chose to spell the word with a “W” to reflect her philosophy and approach to wellness.  Dr. Caldwell believes that true health must include a focus on treating the WHOLE patient from a physical, nutritional and emotional perspective.  Dr. Caldwell’s goal is to restore her patients to a level of health, comfort and wellness that many thought was lost to them forever. More than just a treatment for pain, WHOLISTIC chiropractic care seeks to strike a true balance and create a lifestyle change for the patient that encompasses all aspects of their health, including exercise, nutrition, personal development, pain management and stress relief.  We work with patients of all ages – including newborns and children – and we are proud to say our outcomes have been impressive.

About The Doctor

Dr. Cynequa Caldwell has an uncommon philosophy when it comes to her Chiropractic practice. Her goal is to restore her patients to a state of wellness that they have never experienced or had given up on ever attaining. Her professional satisfaction is rooted in both the rehabilitation and revitalization of her patients through a complete physical, nutritional and spiritual approach to well-being. From athletes suffering from repetitive motion injuries to weekend warriors to people just dealing with the stresses of everyday life on the body, Dr. Caldwell uses her formal education and broad experience to deliver comprehensive care that helps her patients look better, feel better and most importantly, function better in their daily lives.

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Our Advantages

Owned by Doctor Cynequa Caldwell
Practitioners Network
Connect with Other Physicians in the Network
Where Every Family Member Plays a Role
Health, Fitness & Rehab Center
More Than Just a Clinic
Therapy Goals
Develop Treatment Plans and Achieve Patient Goals
Homeopathic Medicine
All-Natural and Non-Toxic Remedies
Our Goal is to Make You Feel Great for Your First 100 Years!

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